Hey LT its either going to be a "good " shooting or the shooter is going to get prosecuted. Every year there's a lot "doubtful" shootings by LEOs, too ! What I'd like to see is everyone shut up and let the Sanford PD do its thing sans public/political/media pressure(s) ! The present situation is akin to "The Oxbow Incident" and a "lynch mob" mania ! >Mech
Ah, another NonCon in support of less personal responsibility. GOP ROT (Grand Ol' Party Rule of the Opposite Thing).
Mech, I was commenting on the stupid law and the way the po-leece are interpreting it, not lynching the idiot. No one is contesting that he shot the Skittles Armed kid. Seems like potential manslaughter, or murder. So you advocate for letting him go because he claims he felt threatened? Hope you don't have any enemies when you are vacationing in Florida.