Hey LT its either going to be a "good " shooting or the shooter is going to get prosecuted. Every year there's a lot "doubtful" shootings by LEOs, too ! What I'd like to see is everyone shut up and let the Sanford PD do its thing sans public/political/media pressure(s) ! The present situation is akin to "The Oxbow Incident" and a "lynch mob" mania ! >Mech
Sorry Mech but we CAN'T shut up because Sanford has SO FAR made it quite clear that they have NO INTENTION of "doing their job".
If you can't see that then we have nothing more to talk about because you're dealing with some fictional version of Sanford that exists on another planet.
The one here on Earth, in Florida, is pretending no law was broken, no evil was done and no shooters need be arrested.
And they're just sorta hoping that Mom will finally eat and forget that she lost a son.