Iss, I'm going to ask you nicely to withdraw your personal and completely unsupported attack in the thread above. I even asked you for a cite that indicated Zimmerman had been arrested, because I had not seen one. Based upon your claim, I dug deeper and found contemporaneous reports that he had been placed in the back of the patrol car and reported that. Those reports also indicated that he was released at the scene by the responding officer. All I have ever done is expressed an opinion based on the evidence available at the time. It seems unfortunate to me that the Sanford police department has not done the same. I don't even think the the Chief should have had to step down, as he has hardly been in place long enough to have had much influence on how the investigation - or lack thereof - has been conducted; unless of course Zimmerman was released on his say-so.
I think, my friend, you have developed a personal grudge against me, and it has become apparent in a number of threads, of late. I may hage reacted to some of your posting behavior, which has been less than stellar.