Originally Posted by Mechanic
LT, I wonder why there isn't a thread here regarding the mayhem - 10 dead, 46 wounded - in "SYG-Free" Chicago last week ? Where's the MSM "'blitz" on the Windy City wars ? Why isn't the President commenting on some possible "sons" there ?

Instead we have the makings of another Ox-Bow Incident fueled by the rantings of race-baiting opportunistic shysters, the usual acronymic conglomeration of anti gun orgs - all of which, BTW, have apparently declined to respond to questions from conservative members of the firearms community - compounded by the knee-jerk reactions of the lame stream media. Even our President (apparently having leaned nothing from the Brooks incident ) has weighed in with his patented inane commentary !

All of this pretty much guarantees the shooter can't be tried anywhere ! And perhaps that is the "objective" ! An administration teetering on the brink having its chief LEO being indicted for contempt, (with possible criminal proceedings for key players across the gamut of enforcement agencies ) mist be in desperate need of a diversion . Even better one involving the possible misuse of a firearm. Now only if the Oval Office/MSM/Hoplophobes were as outraged over some 300 Mexican national's deaths ! >Mech
Went right over my head. Are you posting in Ukrainian and then having the computer translate into English? Hmm

You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete.
R. Buckminster Fuller