The 1960's EQUIVALENT of a hoodie: LONG HAIR

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When I was a kid THIS was the equivalent of a HOODIE and if you wore your hair like this you ran the risk of a beating, sometimes even an arrest and if that happened you could probably count on a haircut while waiting to be released.

Honestly Mech, you sound like one of those hard hats from the early sixties, the kind who would run around muttering:

"Damn long haired PUNKS! Someone orta cut their hair and teach em some respect!
Probably COMMUNISTS all of em!"

Tell me I am making this up so I can tell you my experience in Cairo, Georgia in 1973.

Please, don't let right wing knee jerk reactionaries turn this country's clock back to the McCarthy Era.

Mech, have a Coke and a smile...better yet, have another can of Falstaff.

"The Best of the Leon Russell Festivals" DVD