Originally Posted by NW Ponderer
By the way, in order to strike down the law, the Court will have to go so far down a path unwinding decades of precedent on the Commerce clause, that we will be entering a long, deep tunnel of economic despair that will make 2008 seem a cakewalk, and the Citizens United decision relatively inconsequential. It will affect the rest of all of our lives as profoundly as the Great Depression affected our parents and grandparents. BTW, any one else seen or read The Hunger Games?

What would happen if a majority thought that that 1938 Wheat case was incorrect and they wanted to use this case to rein in Congress? Let's face it, anybody with a backyard garden could be stopped using that ruling. That ruling has created the commerce clause powers that threaten the US today.

I disagree with your optimism, the mandate gets killed and maybe the whole schbang!

A proud member of the Vast Right-wing Conspiracy, Massachusetts Chapter

“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”
Thomas Jefferson