...Let's face it, anybody with a backyard garden could be stopped using that ruling....
Oh. My. Gawd! They are coming for our gardens! It's a slippery slope, we have got to make sure the insurance companies keep screwing us!!!
Did I get it right?
My distrust of the federal government has been constant. Placing unlimited power in their hand, and upholding the individual mandate would do just that, is insane.
The Supremes are not ruling between insurance companies and Obamacare, they are ruling on whether the government can force Americans to do whatever they tell us to do. It sound melodramatic, but evenn the lawyer who was supposd to argue the case couldn't place a realistic limit on that power if the mandate is allowed to stand.
Given the choice between getting screwed by insurance companies and giving the government unlimited power to tell Americans how they have to spend their money, I will take my chances with the insurance companies. I mean, if I die from lack of insurance it will probably be a short term afliction, where as a federal government with unlimited opower is a life long curse. and yes, once they get that power they will use it. My proof? Look at how much the commerce clause has been expanded. Remember, that stoped a wheat farmer from growing wheat for himself and his animals. That wheat was never going into the marketplace, yet the FDR Supreme Court found a way to force some poor schmuck to spend money he shouldn't have had to spend. All in the name of the commerce clause.