Originally Posted by rporter314
that stoped a wheat farmer from growing wheat for himself and his animals
wow you almost had me convinced that my garden was under attack by the federal government

Wickard v. Filburn was a direct result of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938. As you should know, that law was enacted to subsidize farmers for various agricultural products among them wheat. After a lower court concurred with Filburn the SC overturned that opinion, stating the federal government could regulate his wheat production from AAA of 1938 based on interstate commerce clause. This law has been superseded by the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002, which is directed by Congress to subsidize farmers.

Since i am not a farmer, i do not qualify under the law to be regulated by the federal government and thus i can without fear grow whatever i want in my vegetable garden.

Actually, by planting a garden you probably can be considered a farmer. Let's face it, Filburn was growing wheat to feed his family and his livestock. By your definition he wasn't a farmer either.

If the mandate is upheld, there are no limits on what the Federal government can compel Americans to purchase, no matter what it is, because it is part of commerce. Chevez has that power and look at how that democracy has floundered. No government should have that much power over the citizens, especially an American government founded on the idea of a central government with limited powers. This is a disaster and telling 300,000,000 Americans that they have to allow their country to become a dictatorship because some President wants to cover less than 5% of its citizens under health insurance, with many of that 5% being young and choosing not to buy it, is a transformation from power being placed in the citizens hands to power being absolute under the Federal government. Which moonbat Senator was it that said that Congress can do anything it wants under the Commerce clause? Pete Stark I think it was, and just that statement alone should scare the bejesus out of anybody.

A proud member of the Vast Right-wing Conspiracy, Massachusetts Chapter

“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”
Thomas Jefferson