Originally Posted by logtroll
I thought it was interesting that some of the justices thought it was asking too much of them to read the law that they are deliberating on. While I see their point in not working it over in a "line item veto" fashion, they still need to read it. Who do they think they are, Congressmen?

LT...too much of a hassle.

The masquerade in this matter is: It's obvious that the Conservatives want the entire Act thrown out...not just the mandates.

There is a whole lot of stupidity going on - but not so much by Congress. It's the electorate who are stupid by not holding government accountable for their actions. The electorate need to let Congress know...if you don't know what the hell the full content of bills are (so we also know), which up for being enacted into law...then don't vote for them at all. In fact, don't create such complex bills to be enacted into law.


The Justices on the other hand need to send Congress a message that says, "Tell us what the hell this law says before we even take on the challenge of deciding its constitutionality."

Turn on ANY brand of political machine - and it automatically goes to the "SPIN and LIE CYCLE" wink

Yours Truly - Gregg