Originally Posted by Ma_Republican
Originally Posted by NW Ponderer
Ma R, your dystopian fantasy world puts Rick Santorum's to shame. And is as divorced from reality. THE END OF THE WORLD IS AT HAND. Well, the 21st Century, anyway. Gosh, we may all be forced to be protected from financial ruin, improve the economy, and join the civilized world. I'm shaking all over!

NW, I usually consider your opinion as somewhat valid, but on this you have swallowed the Koolaid. Forget for a moment that allowing the mandate to stand could allow (most likely would eventually) the Federal government to dictate how every American spends their paycheck. What is also does is create a rotating dictatorial council that gets replaced two years.

You are a true believer in the power of good and powerful central governments, I am a true believer in the power of a limited and supportive central government. A government that follows the guidelines set down in the Constitution as secondary to the States. The mandate is a path toward domination and would eventually lead to a violent revolution, or a society of lemmings.

The commerce clause has gone from regulating an individual's right to grow food to trying to regulate a person's behavior from birth to death. What could go wrong with it in the future?

You may think that some of have swallowed the blue Kool-aide, but you are running the whole freaking Red Kool-aid stand! [Linked Image from rougarants.com]

milk and Girl Scout cookies ;-)

Save your breath-You may need it to blow up your date.