It doesn't matter that you believe it hasn't happened yet, because it actually has. The EPA is an all powerful entity who can destroy people at its whim, can create rules without input from Congress and can crush any industry it wants. But you believe that the Federal government wouldn't use that newly appointed power?
Originally Posted by NW Ponderer
ROFL. Seriously, Ma R. I really mean that. Seriously? The EPA is an all powerful entity bent on the destruction of industry? Any evidence of that? Any examples? Any fantasy scenarios where this has occurred?


Now there you have a point, as we saw what GW Bush did with that authority for the first 6 years of his disastrous presidency - including the recession he gave to his successor. I happen to also agree that a Santorum presidency would make the Bush debacle measured by comparison. So there are some things that we agree on, except, of course, the object of your paranoia.

Power unused is power wasted, in politics there is no such thing as potential energy. I do not want the Federal Government to have the abilities that a yes vote on the mandate would give them. I have no doubts in my mind that Congress would find a reason to use it, because they could. The Supreme Court, the highest authority in the land will have given them their blessing to use that power as they will.

I will take my chances with the status quo, or another future BIPARTISAN effort that isn't 2700 pages long and that isn't sold to me by one of its authors saying that it had to be passed to know what was included in it.

I am paranoid of unlimited power being invested in 600 people. I am paranoid of the outcome when another peter principle candidate wins because he is a celebrity. I do not trust Washington, I will never trust Washington and I believe that America would be better off with Washington being defuunded and having to panhandle for their budget.

Last edited by Ma_Republican; 03/31/12 03:18 PM.

A proud member of the Vast Right-wing Conspiracy, Massachusetts Chapter

“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”
Thomas Jefferson