Originally Posted by Ardy
Do you think that there is any feasible way to make affordable health care available to all who want it?

What if any is the role for the federal government in achieving this goal.
There is one way, pass a law that is paid for by a tax.

The question of the federal governments role in providing healthcare is a good question. Does the federal government have any greater role in healthcare as it does providing everybody with a job? Providing everybody with food? Providing everybody with beer? Providing everybody with a car?

Without a car a person might not be able to get to the hospital, so shouldn't the government provide a means of transportation? Pass a national system run by the Fed, then it would be constitutional. I think it would be very difficult to do it, but since the whole individual mandate seems to be going down in flames it might be time to start laying the groundwork for some kind of compromise.

The Federal Government's job is to protect the United States. The states job is to protect the citizens of those states. That is how it was supposed to work and that is how it should work.

A proud member of the Vast Right-wing Conspiracy, Massachusetts Chapter

“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”
Thomas Jefferson