As for vouchers versus mandate, how about national health care policies? Where the total amount of carriers might shrink, but the costs associated with providing insurance would be less? The country's needs could be covered with 4 or 5 national carriers that are allowed to offer national pool policies, as opposed to today where each state has multiple carriers offering multiple policies in multiple states that are unique to each state.

I would suggest that that is really the only way that healthcare costs can be controlled.
As long as there is federal regulation of the national carriers that may be a good policy to implement. but without universal coverage, it doesn't get at one of the big problems -- the cost of care for the uninsured being borne by those who are insured.

And I am a bit surprised that you would make that suggestion, since it essentially semi-monopoly which I think inevitably would result in a single payer system.

Life is a banquet -- and most poor suckers are starving to death -- Auntie Mame
You are born naked and everything else is drag - RuPaul