"You read it here first. Canada announces that the Republicans are toast -- at least, this time around."
Yes, you did read it here first, months ago:
I've been saying for some time now that the Republican Party will fail to field a viable ticket in Nov 2012. My prognostication now is that there will be a walkout in Tampa. Most likely at this time it will be the rabid right wing walking out, but if things change between now and then it's possible the centrists/moderates will walk out.
The result:
Two Republican tickets, Perry vs. Romney, with Obama taking almost all of the states. The moderate Repubs will drift into the Democratic camp over the next five to ten years, and the Republican Party will breathe its last, being replaced by a small right wing party based on theocracy/strict constructionism. Good riddance.
http://readerrant.capitolhillblue.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=196180Probably will be Santorum instead of Perry, since he (Santorum) pointedly did not endorse Romney when he pulled out of the race.