Originally Posted by issodhos
Originally Posted by Ted Remington
I think it will become obvious when Obama corrals two thirds of the female vote across the political spectrum.
Well, yes, that is a demographic Democratic operatives and president Obama are desperate to hold onto. That is the reason he and other Dems soiled their shorts when the Dem woman analyst mocked candidate Romney's wife as "having never worked a day in her life", and launched a full-scale attack on one of their own for -- are you ready? -- in my opinion, letting it get out as to what left-dressed top-dog Dems and and other professional class 'progressives' in general actually think of the stay-at-home-mom. It is pretty bad when a female Dem operative is actually taken to the woodshed by the president, himself. gobsmacked

So your little tirade here doesn't stand the light of day when compared to everything that was said by the Democrat lady in question. Why, imagine my shock at that after reading NWP's post and citation! shocked And speaking of citations, where is yours for claiming that President Obama is "desperate" to keep the female demographic, and that he took this Democrat to the woodshed? [Linked Image from mail.yimg.com]

milk and Girl Scout cookies ;-)

Save your breath-You may need it to blow up your date.