Republican presidential candidat... Association convention in St. LouisHe brought a central player and key supporter: his wife, Ann, who stayed home to raise their five sons....
In St. Louis, Mitt Romney began his 24-minute speech by calling his wife “a hero” and “my sweetheart,” adding: “I happen to believe all moms are working moms.”
I avoid soiling my mind by staring at the Winking Eye of the Meme Machine, but surely someone on television must have pointed out that such rich people would have hired servants to take care of the Romney's children. So how is Romney's wife "a working Mom"? What work was involved in "raising their five sons"?
But wait! Romney says that "all moms are working moms"! Then he says that these "working moms" must deliver their children into the hands of heartless
crèches so that these same moms may achieve the dignity of meaningless, useless slave labor.
Isn't this a tad contradictory?
Stay tuned! I am sure Romney will explain it all --
somehow. · ·