It always comes down to which women have a choice in their persona lives, and which are born to obey their husbands and their government. I gave in more than I challenged but ended up helping a close friend obtain an abortion when it was the result of a brutal rape by her husband. I simply did not tell anyone. It did not go well for her as she bled out in less than a week. The difference would have been had she been taken to the hospital after the rape and given the morning after pill, but that was not an option back then. If the Republicans win the House it will no longer be an option again.
Strapping women with no choices except to face another mouth to feed in a time when our kids are not being cared for due to a lack of income, is not a good choice to make in November.
We all heard Romney say he would ban all Planned Parenthood clinics. It is in the back of his mind that women who have sex must pay the consequences and be given 18 years of unwanted child care or maybe even prison time, when they choose to the contrary?
Is this the new expression of American values?