Probably not, but it wouldn't matter.

from here:
So that is the beginning... Coming, the new world structure and direction in:

Money and Banking
Law and Regulation
Government responsibility to the people
Proactive taxation takes place of Income Tax
Underclass control
Abrogation of international government debt
Cancellation of selective Government Obligations:
--- Healthcare
--- Social Security
--- Federal bonds
Continuation of personal debt obligation

Your link was a good explanation of the derivative danger, and the "solution", not likely in the short run, but probably over the next ten years.
The current situation in Europe... and strangely enough, in Egypt, where the people never quite understood what was happening is clear evidence that the solutions are far outside the ability of old governments to solve. In Egypt, overthrowing the government left the country in an eve worse state of political confusion. (the likely outcome of anarchy anywhere else, including the US.)

This stuff ain't simple. respect

Life is Good!