I've often thought about the union of the States should have more say so from the citizens of those states. It would certainly help if California could be divided in half with half open to the rights of the individual and the rest of the state could declare itself optional. I've spent so many years trying to free the minorities and women from the laws being issued from D.C. I had no idea how much better California was to the minorities than Arizona where I had moved a dozen years before my return. It wasn't just the state laws that were so awful but the residents of the areas around Phoenix.

I spent a year in Lake Havasu City where I had signed up to attend a gun meeting. 10 minutes into the meeting it turned into an Evangelical revival meeting. I went into a state of shock before I realized that I could be in danger. I wore a name tag and realized my commentaries on Etherzone had been published by the same group who put on the revival meeting. I knew where the emergency exit was as this was the same building where the Lions club met and I grabbed my purse and left out the back door. I was stopped by a women from Yuma who told me to drive home with my lights off and stay off the freeway. I did as she said and got home, turned off all the lights and let the dog out on her leash and we headed for bed. I had a Hospice patient the next day and when I got home the south wall of my garage was pushed in. My neighbor told me a bulldozer did it. I put the house on the market the next morning and took the first offer.

Evangelicals are a mean bunch and think nothing of destroying property or even killing what they consider an enemy of Jesus Christ. I moved up near Phoenix and ran into the same hatred. My new neighborhood began to shoot b bs into my black cat. I couldn't believe this kind of hate and stayed 11 years. It got worse. I had been invited to be on the Board of directors of chamber music group until they read one of my articles from Etherzone and then they made it so uncomfortable for me during the meetings that I quit. I was probably the only one who fully understood the music but that was not enough to maintain my efforts for the group. I had only one choice and that was to come home to California. Let Arizona keep their ugly hatred for people.

I fear that this attitude of hatred found in many neighborhoods is based on the Republican Party. It gets worse everytime I even think about it.

I've read enough science fiction to recognize the development of a strong hatred for people who are different. I just need to find my kind of people. In many areas there are people arming themselves against UFOs. Even in peaceful Palm Desert that are people joining clubs who search for anyone slightly different and then they gang up and force them out. Why? I am stimulated by people who are different. My kids found this park and bought me a unit within it. When I tell someone where I live, I'm questioned about why I didn't move to the park across the street. I have no idea why except I love my unit here and how nice they keep the grounds and the pools. We have a golf course in the middle and not a cigarette butt can be found. My neighbors are nervous about any new resident but I have been accepted just fine. Welcome Wagon ran for her life when two of my cats wanted to see who was at the door. She is terrified of black cats. I guess there is one in every neighborhood. Of course I didn't make it better by telling her there is a third one but she is dead. That woman will never come back again.

AKA Sandy Price