Hey, it gave you the right to emigrate!
Oh, not at all willingly !!
When I was younger and living in another country, one of the precursor agencies of "homeland security" tried to force me to return to the "dear ol' Homeland of the Free" by dirty tricks!
They sent an agent, supposedly an author interviewing people about the Vietnam War in order to write a book, who flattered me. Later, he sent a letter to me saying that he was in the midst of writing the book and, "to make it more interesting," was writing that I had been arrested in the US and had drugged a prison guard and made my escape!
Of course, none of that was true.
He wanted me to sign a document affirming it was true "so he could include in his book" which was, of course, to help the anti-war cause!
Isn't it amazing that the minions of the American
nomenclatura were as subtle and clever then as they are now today? · ·

Naturally, I wrote back telling him what I thought of him and his tricks, most of which I could not repeat here without having [censored] occur far too often.
Of course, if I had been more important -- a Julian Assange, say -- they would have been more clever and more determined in their manufacturing phony "evidence" to get me extradited back into the loving clutches of American Liberty.
The "glorious" American government is just like that of Orwell's
1984 which was determined never to lose control of its prey, and which tortured all dissidents into a brainwashed love of "Big Brother" -- and then liquidated them.
No loose ends permitted in Orwell's Oceania -- or in post-World War II America -- they learned very well the lessons which the Nazis taught them !