And yet Governor Willard "Mitt" Romney would still have paid more in taxes, of all kinds, than any dozen of the professional victims who support the America-hating usurper in the White House. That tells you everything right there about what's wrong with the country.
In absolute dollars, he might. That depends upon who you define as the "professional victims" who support Obama. On the other hand, the person on Social Security Disability will pay more in relative percentages, in that their tax rates are far above 0.82% for even the lowest rung on the graduated tax ladder.
As always, the devil is in the details, as failing to define who has what, gets what and pays what must be defined using the same evaluation system.
In addition, it is important to realize that the person disabled on the job, whose only source of income is SSI because their pension disappeared in the 2007-2008 big crash, is often self-identified as a conservative. This means that Romney dissed his own. Again.
For a person that needed tax deductions and exemptions, a few small business loans, and a tax system that allowed the accumulation of huge wealth to turn around and say upon achieving great wealth, the same government that protected my factories, built roads, educated the children of employees, and pushed for the free trade that made all this wealth possible needs to look elsewhere to support those same elements of infrastructure appears to be a bad sport.