I send my warmest thoughts and wishes for Doug's recovery.

Strange to read this now. I was talking to a guy just today - who noticed that I had a Harley cap on...a very dirty cap. He asked if I had a bike. I told him that in my life, I've owned 3, but I don't recommend them to anybody because I know first hand how dangerous they can be. I don't consider them dangerous necessarily because of my own driving skills, but more related to the driving skills of others.

Well...let me back up. What I said about others' driving skills isn't entirely true. During my "last accident" I slid about 40 feet across concrete into a gasoline pump. The incident was completely my fault because I saw that a road crew had been doing street repairs with tar and gravel. I was careless and caused my own accident. I was hurt pretty bad, but not critically.

Anyway...the guy said, "Oh, well, uh, I just bought a Fat Boy. My wife was really, really mad when I told her about wanting to get one, but now...she loves riding with me." And then he goes on to say that he himself had an extended stay in the hospital over a bike accident a few years ago. Go figure?

I learned my lesson. Sorry Doug met with this accident as I know he loves riding...as did his mom and dad.

Turn on ANY brand of political machine - and it automatically goes to the "SPIN and LIE CYCLE" wink

Yours Truly - Gregg