But it's not the media hub, and it never will be, so I can't.
We do have Pixar Studios, Lucas Studios, Industrial Light and Magic, THX®, Dolby® Sound Studios, and Current TV. I find it hard to believe that Silicon Valley doesn't use "media" or is not in need of a good all-around media guy.

Pixar is okay but again Rick, they do a ton of work in L.A.
Lucas has been making the same movie for THIRTY YEARS!
ILM, again if you work for ILM (which I don't think I'd mind!) you wind up right back in Los Angeles again.
THX and Dolby might be headquartered there but they are L.A. operations too.
Current TV? Sure Rick, they're still losing money.
Gore isn't putting the effort into it that he should be.
Again, all of this is a one way argument, so many of you folks up North have this hostility and yet the people down here don't go on campaigns to disparage any of the cities up there.
Did we piss in your Cheerios or something?