Did we piss in your Cheerios or something?
With global warming moving agricultural belts further north, leaving southern areas more dry - SoCal be gunning for more of our water. (Mt Shasta just broke a record this past weekend - 139" of snow!)
...just a pre-emptive strike.

Voters in SoCal won't control growth and sprawl. SoCal lets developers run roughshod over the environment showing how weak the populous of SoCal is to standing up to those dirty bastards.
Here we fight developers tooth and nail and rarely loose.
Plus, all the neon is so tacky. The minute one goes over the Tejon pass down into Valencia - it's neon for hundreds of square miles. Gross.
We don't do strip malls and neon. Gouche.
You just keep running around in circles Rick!
I asked if you guys would welcome a few million new neighbors as a response to L.A. tendency to grow unchecked and you never answered.
But I think I can guess how you'd answer, just by reading your opinion on "our water", as if you guys OWN all the water up there.
I didn't realize that there was still private ownership of water resources at the city and state level.
I thought that went out with the "Mulholland Falls era" in the 1930's.
How very "libertarian" of you.
So again, this just boils down to you being an elitist who doesn't like neon...and hates new neighbors, and can't even stand the fact that we share a state with you, despite the fact that we're several hundred miles away.
That's not good enough?
I'm not a fan of strip malls either but it appears that they're not unique to Los Angeles. I think I might have seen a few elsewhere!
You know, we have a toy poodle that is so prissy he can't even bear to venture outside to do his business if it's slightly cold, slightly hot, or if it's slightly sprinkling.
He's afraid of everything, he's even so nervous that he can't eat when anyone is in the same room, and he can't bear to drink from the same water dish as our cocker spaniel.
He would not survive if not for Karen and I treating him like an infant and providing the most ridiculous accommodations for his runty behavior. He definitely wouldn't last five minutes out in the wild.
My gut tells me that there are an awful lot of extremely limited and highly niche-bound individuals who harbor extremely elitist views on people, places and things which are "foreign" to them. They live in highly protected enclaves, surrounded by highly regimented and delicate atmospherics and circumstances without which they would surely perish.
The S. Pellegrino must be chilled to precisely 34 degrees, the Carr's Table Water crackers must be positioned precisely North by Northwest, the hunks of smoked salmon are ruined if not perfectly sliced to a 40 micron thickness, the Camember must have the perfect rind and there absolutely HAS to be Boston Symphony music on the vinyl record player, or they shall surely perish.
God forbid that they might have to stoop to mere selzer or consume those ghastly white box crackers made by machines in a factory, or eat packaged supermarket salmon, or listen to a (GASP!) RADIO STATION !!
It almost sounds like I am listening to the murmurings of Rain Man, who required his eight fish sticks and Judge Wapner at precisely 4 P.M., or he'd have a fit.