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For a number of years I have pointed out that the problem is the loss of US employment, consumer income, GDP, and tax base to offshoring. The solution is to reverse the outward flow of jobs and to bring them back to the US...by taxing corporations according to where they add value to their product. If the value is added abroad, corporations would have a high tax rate. If they add value domestically with US labor, they would face a low tax rate.... The second part to the solution is to end the expensive unfunded wars that have ruined the federal budget for the past 11 years.... No one in the White House and no more than one dozen members of the 535 member US Congress represent the American people. This is the reason that, despite obvious remedies, nothing can be done. America is going to crash big time. And the rest of the world will be thankful. America along with Israel is the world's most hated country. Don't expect any foreign bailouts of the failed "superpower."
You can't expect a lion to become a vegan. While his suggestions are not wrong they would demand a complete about face in economic policy - not just this administration but any foreseeable administration under this system will not "GO QUIETLY INTO THAT GOOD NIGHT". So, the crash is inevitable but now, during the phase transition, I suspect we all must do our parts to increase the flow of turbulence
"The liberals can understand everything but people who don't understand them." Lenny Bruce
"The cleverest of all, in my opinion, is the man who calls himself a fool at least once a month." Dostoevsky