The one area which has tremendous implications and which separates NorCal from SoCal is the fundamental philosophy of how each region values living within a sustainable means and coexisting with the environment. The nine county Bay Area works as a community, together, to defend the Bay Area’s natural and agricultural landscape from permanent damaging development sprawl.

As a result of our community's efforts, the Bay Area has exquisite natural beauty, hills that offer stunning views, valleys and streams that provide clean water, farms and ranches that give us fresh, local food - because we work very hard to keep the Bay Area free of permanent damaging development sprawl by implementing Urban Limit Lines and fighting developers. We even have a term for this philosophy: The Bay Area Greenbelt Alliance

All of these places are within 12 mins of my house: (Mt Diablo foothills)

[Linked Image from], [Linked Image from], [Linked Image from]

These places are within 25 minutes of my house (Bay Bridge, Oakland Hills):

[Linked Image from], [Linked Image from]

Within 45 mins of my house (downtown Petaluma, Sonoma, downtown Napa and Napa river) :

[Linked Image from], [Linked Image from], [Linked Image from]

Contrarian, extraordinaire