Originally Posted by numan
...Perhaps, someday, the people of Southern California, will escape from the mental disease emanating from Hollywood and move forward and join us in the broad, sunlit uplands of Cascadia...
Not too much is left which is not developed and not permanently ruined by development sprawl down south. It's too late to roll-back and unspoil the already aesthetically spoiled landscape.

The decision by the El Lay city planners, which impacted me, of the lot across the street from where I lived, pretty much cemented my view of SoCal which I still hold today. I moved to NorCal within a year of that decision to be with people who appreciate ecology and natural beauty and to get as far away as I could from the El Lay rat race.

Thank gawd for the tree-hugging hippies of NorCal in the 1960s who had the foresight to protect the environs of NorCal. It is truly because of said tree-hugging hippies is the reason why NorCal still has its native natural beauty, today. ThumbsUp

Contrarian, extraordinaire