Originally Posted by logtroll
Originally Posted by Phil Hoskins
frustrated woman
Clearly, there is an opportunity for a Geek here... there are right-handed scissors, and left-handed scissors. The charming woman is left-handed and cannot use right-handed scissors, at least not without enhanced understanding of the mechanics and training in using right-handed scissors in the left hand (it can be successfully accomplished, but is quite awkward).
I really think the paraffin on the blades, the double sided tape, the director insisting that one side of the four identical sided box was somehow more photogenic, and the general fed-up-ness of the wrapper means someone is not staying on the Nice List this year.

Or, she's related to my cousin who entertained us with a tale of teaching 30 spoiled second graders as she made a toast at Thanksgiving, "I sincerely hope each and every one of the darling but uncontrollable monsters in my class choke to death on their turkey."

Seriously. There were no fatalities that year related to children, choking and turkey. She also apparently fell off the "Nice List."

There was a lump of coal in one stocking though. Hers.

Santa pleaded the Fifth.

Grandpa tapped a fifth and declared it good. Cousin had a glass herself, being a student teacher and over legal age at that time. Barely.

Then she had a second.

Years later I confessed, noting in my defense that I had wrapped the coal in cello-wrap to avoid making a mess. gobsmacked

"I am young, whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious, and happy." ~~~ Kato Havas