by virtue of the type of things he says, corrupt to the bone
this actually tells me everything i need to know
you have made the fundamental logical flaw assuming everyone is the same as you i.e. sane, rational, and logical ... if i may, i would like to suggest for your inspection the concept that these folks suffer from political paranoia ... once they enter the temple of irrationality, they make no sense, but if viewed from that perspective, i think one would find everything they say not only makes sense but is expected.
Wall Street, Politicians, Marketing execs, Hollywood execs, Publishing execs,... etc. all cut from the same immoral cloth
your brush is a lot wider and faster to the wall than mine
i only get to read about the ones who are and i suppose if that is all that is reported then one may conclude that is all they are ... since there is a finite number of such people i think i ll check their pedigree before making such generalizations
What is needed is an educated populace. And that is much easier said than done.
I have been saying it for 45 years and since i have seen no evidence of a change ergo your statement