To underline what I wrote about the folly of judging someone by their eyes, I present as evidence what Canadian Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King (a person who was not always a fool) wrote in his personal diary about his meeting with Adolf Hitler :


"When I was formally shown into the room in which Herr Hitler received me...he was wearing evening dress; came forward and shook hands; quietly and pleasantly said he was pleased to see me in Germany....
I spoke then of what I had seen of the constructive work of his regime, and said that I hoped that that work might continue. That nothing would be permitted to destroy that work....
As I got up to go, Hitler reached over and took in his hands a red square box with a gold eagle on its cover, and taking it in his two hands, offered it to me, asked me to accept it in appreciation of my visit in Germany. At the same time, he said he had much enjoyed the talk we had had together, and thanked me for the visit. When I opened the cover of the box, I saw it was a beautifully silver mounted picture of himself, personally inscribed. I let him see that I was most appreciative of it, shook him by the hand, and thanked him warmly for it, saying that I greatly appreciated all that it expressed of his friendship, and would always deeply value this gift.....
His face is much more pre-possessing than his pictures would give the impression of. It is not that of a fiery, over-strained nature, but of a calm, passive man, deeply and thoughtfully in earnest. His skin was smooth; his face did not represent lines of fatigue and weariness; [b]his eyes impressed me most of all. There was a liquid quality about them which indicate keen perception and profound sympathy. He looked most direct at me in our talks together at the time, save when he was speaking at length on any one subject; he then sat quite composed, and spoke straight ahead, not hesitation for a word, perfectly frankly, looking down occasionally toward the translator and occasionally toward myself."

[emphasis added]