Originally Posted by numan
Perhaps you know it as chipboard. Here, because Canadians are more realistic than dazed Yanks, it is known as "glueboard".
You mean this? chipboard
Nobody I know builds houses with chipboard either.

Maybe you are talking about oriented strand board, commonly known as OSB? Jeez, noomie, I thought you was a expert in speakin' English... Ya'll sure git careless when it comes to the manly arts and makin' things.

And ya didn't seem to notice my warnings about your fine 1950's house probably having lead paint and plywood (made with glue, much like your chipboard) in it. Mebbee you better get a home inspection and find out what kind o' poison hell-hole yer livin' in... Hmm

You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete.
R. Buckminster Fuller