Too bad no fat-arsed, lazy, uneducated, brainwashed Americans are working on better building systems, like this one:
Originally Posted by logtroll

Forests nationwide are faced with the problem of being overstocked with woody biomass that has low or negative value, which presents a liability in terms of unhealthy watershed ecosystems and poses a growing risk for catastrophic wildfire. Few uses exist for the bulk of this material that are of high enough value to defray the costs of thinning, and most utilization strategies involve converting it to energy, which does not serve to replicate the carbon sequestration function of the forest. A parallel concern is that modern building materials are expensive, have high embodied energy and carbon footprints, and are rarely sourced or manufactured in rural communities. This Phase 1 project would research the feasibility of utilizing low value woody biomass in a high value building envelope system that would; facilitate forest restoration thinning, reduce fossil fuel consumption associated with the construction of buildings, create substantial new economic activity in rural communities, and produce a building envelope system with superior performance characteristics.
From what I can gather, this material would be made from wood chips - is this what noomie means by chipboard?

You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete.
R. Buckminster Fuller