...It is scarcely possible "to ignore the absurd and imbecilic when we make important decisions," since, so often, in America, it is the absurd and imbecilic who are making the important decisions.
noomie, you and zekemon seem to be obsessed with the notion that morons and imbeciles are running the country. When I exercised a modicum of critical thinking in questioning the broad-brush nature of some of those statements,
fully realizing that it is anti-American to do so, your better half (I use this terminology based on the obvious formation of yourselves into a duprass) responded with several statements that have the appearance of being moronic and imbecilic. Logic dictates that you consider your colleague to be qualified as an American Leader.
Read carefully now, for what I am about to say may be a bit difficult for your class to follow...
In order for one to become a moronic and imbecilic decision-maker in the U.S., one must run for, and win, an elected office. Anyone out there ever done that? Anyone who has, or has seriously considered it, who is not and imbecile/moron, has faced a sobering proposition. For an example, my town has an upcoming election for two seats on the Town Council. The two incumbents are generally acknowledged to be M/I's, and they have both thrown their hats back into the ring. No one else in the active districts, myself included, chose to run. A few of the reasons have to do with not wanting to spend two evenings each month in meetings lasting from 6:00PM to oftentimes 1:00AM, trying to sort out the M/I actions of both the council and a host of residents, and having to be accosted by the same M/I's by phone or in person in-between times over a two-year term of office.
The twitcher is this; what can you conclude about a person who sits back constantly taking blunderblustery potshots at the decision-makers, a person who hasn't ever made a move to be a decision-maker himherself? I gather that
noomie ran, but not for public office - he just ran away to another country and smugly takes potshots across the border through Reader Rant.
(I have my fingers crossed that zekemon finds a way to not make an M/I comment in response to this post).