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The press lying. I suspect it is hard to prove that the "press" intentionally lies about anything. The "press" is normally engaged in finding a story. In their pursuit they may throw spaghetti on the wall to be the first with the story.
The CIA invented AQ. Clearly this character has problems understanding the real world. He also cherry picked his point of attack disregarding every other possibility. Here is an example: the Mali government had been under attack, by however you want to describe them as insurgents, islamists, thugs, and those folks were approaching the capitol. So the question is, did the French intervene without a request from the Mali government?
Of course these are minor problems which can be addressed by a competent journalist but the major point is valid, that many wars/interventions are economic in nature and even the converse is also true that the refutation of those wars and interventions may be economic. Thus in this case, the Mali government has a vested interest whether it is economic or strictly political.
The real purpose of the article was a vehicle for bashing and not exposing the obvious.
ignorance is the enemy without equality there is no liberty Save America - Lock Trump Up!!!!