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...If you do not see that WWI and WWII and Vietnam and Iraq and Afghanistan, etc. all had economic motives then you need to brush up on your history...
This argument needs some fleshing out. It is suggesting that rporter has no historical education, and that if he does a bunch of unspecified homework he will see that you are right and he is wrong.
Please, give us a few examples to support your position, not this vague, broad-brush implication that rporter is unintelligent. It does not make for an interesting or enlightening exchange.
You may be right, Ezekial, but you have not given me any evidence to support your position on this claim. (For instance, I happen to know that WWII was almost completely a Milo Minderbinder Enterprises entrepreneurial adventure, having read the book and seen the movie.)
My takeaway on rporter's post is that there are many factors influencing the causes for military intervention, one of which is commonly economic interests. My takeaway on your last post is that economic interest is the motivating bug. That is my comprehension of what I read.
You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete. R. Buckminster Fuller