This argument needs some fleshing out. It is suggesting that rporter has no historical education, and that if he does a bunch of unspecified homework he will see that you are right and he is wrong.

No, you are suggesting that. I am not. I merely stated that these wars were fought for economic reasons. And that it would be wise to look into them. I made no appraisal of the poster's ability to do so nor of his willingness to do so. You did. You have a habit of putting words in other people's mouths. You must dissuade yourself of this habit. coffee

Economic Causes of WWI

Economic Causes of the Vietnam War

Economic Causes of the Iraq War

Economic Causes of the Afghan War

Another view on American Economic Hegemony

So, as I have already stated on this thread, IMO economic reasons are the motivating factors. The stories that are told to the public to justify wars and interventions are just that, fairy tales.

"The liberals can understand everything but people who don't understand them."
Lenny Bruce

"The cleverest of all, in my opinion, is the man who calls himself a fool at least once a month."