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Not "words in your mouth", just expressing how your statements came across to me. Please reconsider your slur about my "habit" - I think it was unnecessary and inflammatory. Re-phrasing what another person wrote is a common technique in coming to understand what another person is trying to communicate.
Frankly, I don't know why you appear to be arguing with rporter, who said that the causes for war are multiple and complex, with economic drivers being one of the elements. rporter never said that economic factors were not causes, only that they aren't the only causes. Your statements seem to want to focus only on the economic causes, even though you acknowledged at least once that there are many causes.
Your first link supports rporter's position:
World War I was primarily of war fought due to imperialist aims, poor execution concerning preserving the balance of power in Europe, rampant nationalistic spirit, and ham-fisted cultural purposes. This article will give you a brief look at the major causes of World War I.
Please clarify your position, particularly in how it conflicts with rporter's position.
You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete. R. Buckminster Fuller