Originally Posted by Ezekiel
Originally Posted by logtroll
Originally Posted by Ezekiel
Originally Posted by logtroll
What difference does it make?
Nope, never said one was better or worse, just said that IMO the real motivations were almost always economic. No judgement on which is better.
Then, what difference does it make? (This is starting to look like a math question...)
To rephrase (or distort, depending upon something or other), what is your point?
Ah, c'mon Loggy, you don't think it makes a difference - especially if you are going to fight in a war,or pay for it, or both - what the reason behind it is?
I think a lot of soldiers and taxpayers might disagree with you. grin
So, now it does make a difference? I'll leave the table open while you make up your mind, then you can support your position, if you like. You never described any particular ideology in lieu of economic motives, so we have been in the dark on what you meant by that. I am slowly learning not to make any assumptions about what you only imply, since you don't like words being put in your mouth (apparently a habit of mine).

You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete.
R. Buckminster Fuller