numan~If you agree with Ezekiel that almost all war is economically motivated, then you would have to agree that it has been so since the dawn of time. Animals do it(see lions and other animals protecting/grabbing new territory), insects do it, plants do it, even viruses and bacteria do it. It is part of nature and not strictly an American fault. The UK, which you think we Americans should go back to) did it in spades. You own country of Canada was part of that-just ask the First Peoples. The was even a war in heaven, which Lucifer lost. So don't go all High and Mighty. It is not only human nature, but all of nature.

In fact you do so yourself with your words. Your economic payoff is to impose your will here and hopefully(to you) through out the world. So you are no different. You are as base as the rest of us.

milk and Girl Scout cookies ;-)

Save your breath-You may need it to blow up your date.