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Just repeating what I heard from the Laputaininnies. I personally don't subscribe to that absurd notion.
Proffered by the fella who barters in absurd notions. I am even more impressed.
Ezekial, as you know I am fond of clever banter and not averse to humorous and intelligent jibes. But juvenile insults that are neither fun, nor clever, are not only a violation of the guidelines - they effectively put a damper on exchanges. If you can't keep in the game without resorting to vacuous and unoriginal insults, perhaps you could learn to take a pass. I'd guess that's about twenty times now that you have resorted to an attempt at a lame personal insult to me as a "rebuttal".
To put another light on it, such comments as above leave no opportunity for response other than more of the same. Please give me something interesting to work with, or keep it to yourself. Thank you.
You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete. R. Buckminster Fuller