Originally Posted by Ezekiel
Originally Posted by logtroll
Originally Posted by Ezekiel
I would like to hear from anyone who can find an example of a war or intervention that they believe did not have economic motivation.
Please clarify; do you mean as the only motivator, or do you mean as one of the motivators?
Had NO economic motivation.
I don't think anyone on this thread ever came close to claiming that there have been wars with no economic motivation. I don't claim it.

I agree with Scoutgal's post of absurdities, and Ardy's observations about complexity, and rporter's statement of assuming a mix of motivations, that it's not a stretch to assume that economic motivations are ubiquitous in all interactions.

You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete.
R. Buckminster Fuller