Remember, however, my statement is that the CAUSE of war is economic - the result of the war is not necessarily in line with what the aggressor intended. (Vietnam for example).
As you recall, I asked you if war and intervention is a successful way of achieving economic goals.
you answered that
In today's world, the conquest is more subtle (sometimes) than it was during Roman times, for example, but its end benefit is the same: the so-called "sphere of influence" is achieved by economic subjugation through organs such as World Bank, IMF, etc. In order for that to be effective, one must implant "friendly governments".
Now, I would be happy if you said that people who start wars intend one thing, but usually do not get the planned economic benefit. Then we could agree that wars are irrational.
But, you did not say that wars are irrational. You said that wars are an effective means of pursuing economic goals, And so I proposed some example to test the theory. In order for your theory to work as you said... the people who started these wars must have had, and achieved clear economic goals as a result of their actions. So lets review your responses... OK?
WWI - U.S. and Japan (to a lesser degree)
How do you figure that the US or Japan started WWI?
That was the question, right....
how is it that the people who started the war derived the planned economic benefit?
WWII - U.S. and perhaps the Soviet Union
It seems far fetched to assert that the US started WWII?
And the losses in the soviet union were beyond horrific.
WHat ever territory they gained has now all been lost.
It does not seem like a good example of a country starting a war and deriving great benefit.
Korea - The U.S. as it maintained its ally - South Korea
Once again, it is hard to see why you say the US started that war. ANd you have not specified an economic advantage that we gained from maintaining an ally.
Vietnam - The people of Vietnam
it is not clear how you are saying that the people of vietnam started this war and had economic motivations to do so....
Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan - The sellers of guns
it is not clear how the people you mention started the war
U.S. invasion of Afghanistan - Please see link below for economic causes of this war. As there is no real end to the war it is no possible to say who benefited but Karzai and his crew come to mind.
it is not clear how karzai started the war
I hope that you do not think I am bein picky here
I am trying to follow your logic
and to see how the facts match up
and by doing so
Strengthen the point that you are making