Originally Posted by Ezekiel
Originally Posted by Ardy
But, you did not say that wars are irrational. You said that wars are an effective means of pursuing economic goals, And so I proposed some example to test the theory. In order for your theory to work as you said... the people who started these wars must have had, and achieved clear economic goals as a result of their actions. So lets review your responses... OK?

Not okay smile

So as I now understand what you are saying is that wars are mosyly started for economic reasons... but the people who start the war have no reasonable assurance that the war will achieve it's intended economic goal.... and, in fact, a review of recent history would suggest that war seldom aCHIEVES ANY SUSTAINABLE ECONOMIC OBJECTIVE THAT WOULD JUSTIFY THE COST.

Now do I have it?

Well, I know that all nations are ruled by stupid people this war buisiness seems like a heads you lose, tails you lose sort of deal.... from an economic achievement persective.

"It's not a lie if you believe it." -- George Costanza
The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves. --Bertrand Russel