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I observe that people can go through years of psychological therapy to try to untangle the complicated web that results in a particular problem. And I can say for my self that I seldom have a clearly defined and unitary motivation for my decisions.
Both my posts and those of numan present a reason why collective decisions tend to be less complex than those of individuals. There is no hard and fast way to determine the process that leads to complexity.
I have long noted that, due to the intensity of the brainwashing to which they are subjected, many or most Americans are astonishingly incapable of making even the most simple distinctions between individual and collective behavior.
Must it constantly be pointed out that if someone at a high level of decision making in the War and Murder Industries of the United States did not make sufficiently profitable decisions, they would soon be replaced by those who were more efficient at exploiting the populace and finding markets for their murder products ?
The subjective motivations of these sociopathic wretches are of little or no significance to their objective activities promoting murder and mayhem.