war-mongers who do a lot of damage in the world, and that some fraction of that damage is unintended

The destruction of a relatively stable state in Libya so that oil companies could increase their profits

these two statements are the basis of your criticism ... did you follow the logic or simply bypass the facts and go for the bash

your second statement implies that the populist uprising was in fact a CIA black op disguised for the benefit of the oil companies ... is that about right?

Don't drink the BC koolaid

as much as US interventions are distasteful to you do not allow that to taint an objective analysis of the facts but if you believe you have a legitimate argument that the CIA is in fact the leaders in the Libyan uprising please continue (I'll let you figure out why I say CIA)

o as an aside you did know that BP has been in Libya forever so perhaps you can explain how their profits will increase in a power change etc

ignorance is the enemy
without equality there is no liberty
Save America - Lock Trump Up!!!!