Originally Posted by numan
Now how can I express, to an American, even a bit of the wisdom of Daoism, and the deep meaning of the phrase, Wei-wu-wei ? Because of the attention-span problem, it will need to be short . . . . Ah, I have it !! "HANG LOOSE, DUDE !"
noomie, I suspect your grasp of Taoism is not what you would have us believe. A far better modern English expression of wu wei would be "go with the flow", which is rooms away from "HANG LOOSE, DUDE" in meaning (compounded by the shouted, with exclamation, mode of declamation).

And really, would Laozi ever approve such verbosity?

(Say, there are ways that you can tell!)
(Sorry for any whiplash resulting from coming back to the topic...)

You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete.
R. Buckminster Fuller