Originally Posted by Ardy
Originally Posted by Ezekiel
It is apparent that you don't bet LOL

Originally Posted by Ardy
Good, we have found something that you are sure about, and you are in betting frame of mind.

Originally Posted by Ezekiel
Your on.

Just to review
Zeke said that it is "apparent that I do not bet"

I suggested a bet on this issue

Zeke said "Your On"

I have proposed reasonable terms for the bet
the bet would be adjudicated by a neutral third party
and said that I would provide sufficient proof

I have tried to handle this by PM

Zeke now prefers not to bet....
because, like I said in the beginning
people love to "bet" on things
as long as they cannot lose any money

Zeke figured out that he could lose money
and decided that is must be a ridiculous bet
... of course he did not think it was so ridiculous
when no money was riding on what he said.

I did try via PM to get zeke to retract his initial stament about me. Since he has refused, I have made this public positn of the affair.

Ardy, you have raised stupidity to an art form!
I congratulate you ThumbsUp
It must have been very hard to do.

"The liberals can understand everything but people who don't understand them."
Lenny Bruce

"The cleverest of all, in my opinion, is the man who calls himself a fool at least once a month."