Originally Posted by Ezekiel
And equally impossible to know that economic factors are the most salient in the decision.

Why is it impossible?
We have been through all of this before. The decision to go to war is inherently complicated and secretive. We have no access to know exactly why the decision was made.

Why did the US invade Iraq? Many explanations have been given
Now, no specultation zeke, no controversey... simple fact, You tell me the single verifiable reason that USA invaded Iraq

But, according to you, if the defender beats Hitler, and achieves economic success, then they started the war for the economic success that they achieved from the war/
Never said that. Doesn't make sense - if one party started it then the other did not, by default. wink

If I say Hitle started WWII, you say USA started it to dominate the world
I say north Korea invaded south Korea, You say is is a USA plo

I say Japan bombed pearl harbor, you say it was american provocation

I say the USA got involved in and exist6ing civil war in Vietnam... and you say it was the usa trying to gain economic advantage

Around and around it goes....
you agree that there are aggressors that start wars....
but somehow the aggressor always turns out to be the USA?
And it is always for the same reason
big corporations are manipulating politicians behind the scene for their corporate profit.

It is logically absurd to argue without evidence that US economic success was the motivation for those wars, or the major contributing factor for the economic sucess.

Never said that either. grin

You said
When you point out that the U.S. has been a major beneficiary of almost all recent wars it raises an interesting point that perhaps deserves more attention.
I wonder where you going with that?

"It's not a lie if you believe it." -- George Costanza
The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves. --Bertrand Russel