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I do not think that the US has any hold on the oil in Iraq. But I do think that it was what Cheney et al had in mind. But like everything else in the War in Iraq, they bungled that, too.
Scout, THere are very few examples where foreign countries have been able to maintain long term to to control of other nation's oil reserves. Iraq is no exception.
I know that the issue of control of the oil was a part of Bush administrations calulations. I have seen no evidence that it was the prime factor in thier decision process.
And, FWIW, if you want to maintain control of a country, you do not invade, as the US did, with a force that is inadequate to control the country you are invading. And, when you finally do get enough boots on the ground, you do not let that country sign all of it's new oil deals with non-US companies.
I didn't say that the Bush Administration was the sharpest knife in the drawer about the Iraq oil. I just said that control of it was what they intended to achieve. I think that was just going to be a bonus. Their main intentions were to enrich the pockets of their defense contractor cronies. That they did very well.
milk and Girl Scout cookies ;-)
Save your breath-You may need it to blow up your date.