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Iraq is totally different. It is the last corner of the world in which there are massive petroleum resources pretty much unexplored, maybe the largest in the world or close to it. Now they are very easy to gain access to. The profits from that must flow primarily to the right pockets, that is, US and secondarily UK energy corporations. And controlling that resource puts the US in a very powerful position, even more powerful than today, to exert influence over the world.
SO, since the USA started the war in Iraq, and going by the quote that you provided, is it reasonable to conclude that the USA has a major control of oil profits flowing from Iraq,
Please formulate a proposition on this issue that will satisfy your requrirements. Perhaps we can arrange a bet that you will find relevant to the topic.
Or. more likely we will return to endless re-parsing of your intended meaning.
You just can't stand it when facts are presented. I have said it more than once: please present an alternative explanation to the one I have presented. If you cannot then don't waste your time and mine. You seem to think that just because you don't agree everyone else must prove it to you. Doesn't work that way. You not only have the right but, I daresay, the obligation to question something. But bring facts to the table and not some vague, subjective arm-waving about "complicated" etc. That is why discussions become sterile.
"The liberals can understand everything but people who don't understand them." Lenny Bruce
"The cleverest of all, in my opinion, is the man who calls himself a fool at least once a month." Dostoevsky